Tuesday, July 13, 2004

On Being Broken

Philo of Alexandria said that we should

"Be Kind to everyone you meet, for everyone is fighting a great battle."

I feel like I'm in one now.

I'm pretty broken today.

Our 20 year old daughter had an 'abnormal' ultra-sound. Cancer runs in our family. She see's the specialist on August the 2nd.

Our apartment's air conditioner broke, and flooded parts of the living room and the front bed-room.

and as Soon and I mean as

Soon as I got to work I was pulled to the supervisor's office.

They took my 'coach' position away from me, and wrote me up for 'not documenting correctly'...even though she then said, I know it's really busy up there.

I honestly think that the supervisor hasn't liked me for awhile now.

1, because I know computers, and she doesn't, and

2. cause I'm leaving her department to work for her supervisor in a Monday thru Friday 8-4:30pm gig. Where I'll report to her boss, and not to her.

It really hurt me. And it will be reflected in my year end evaluation. sigh.

Doing a good job is very important to me, and I try so hard. But this hospital is the lowest paying job I've had in awhile, and also one with the most politics.

I'm trying to hold on to the reality that when a man writes something about you that is not true, Heaven will not allow it to stand.

Posting this to ask for prayer, but to also discuss this 'broken-ness' thing.

The Psalmist says that God is near unto those who have a broken spirit and a contrite heart. In another place it says that a broken spirit and a contrite heart are acceptable sacrifices to God.

Why is that so? Is it that we are participating in the sufferings of Christ? (Philippians 3:10) Looking forward to hearing from you.



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