Thursday, July 15, 2004

Joy Visited Today

I worked 16 hours yesterday, from 3pm to 7am this Thursday Morning. Got home about 8am and sound asleep. I tell you, the bed on a morning like today, is almost like a narcotic, there is not a feeling to match laying your body down when you are tired like that.

I sat with a gentleman last nite, who had surgery. He was confused, and thought we had him in jail...and we had better let him go, so he could go to University of Virginia Medical Center to have his surgery!

(often when someone has just had surgery, they are confused for a couple of days, thus the need to sit with them, so they don't try to go home, etc...)

Anyway, he was a kind man, and it was good to be able to help him. I was able to calm him down and help him sleep.

So I got home, like I said, and sleep like a baby, until about 12:30. Woke, and discovered I had a visitor.

Joy. A deep seated joy. Peace, and Joy.

It was more than just being in a good mood. It was more than just being happy. But Joy. A sense of feeling that no matter what, Jesus is well pleased with me, his sinful, struggling child.

that he takes Joy in me.

What an unexpected gift and surprise.

Joy is not a frequent visitor, I'm sad to say, but a welcome one today.

I attribute it to God's good will, and the prayers and love of my friends.




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