Thursday, May 10, 2007

Guest post from my bride. Letter from another daughter


Mom will be missed.

The realization hit me when a call to the funeral home revealed that she had been cremated.

To me, it was like she had been lowered into the ground.

No holding back the tears and the pain.
No more chances to see her face again.
No more kisses on each others cheeks,
Her quick laugh,
and pat on my backside.
That was our way of showing affection,
even though through the years,
I sometimes felt rejection.

On our first meeting, she was in a hospital bed,
and as the recent weeks passed,
I prayed that wouldn’t also be,
the last place I’d see her laying her head.

Yet, lastly, an unexpected visit to her house,
found her “sparky” but weak,
I came away feeling, she was her old self,
so to speak.

Could it be possible, would it be God’s will,
that we’d have her with us,
for a long, long while still?

Well, He knows our hearts and He hears our prayers,
but His ways are above our ways,
and He’s numbered our years.

Though Mom, as we knew her is gone from our sight,
we should be careful what we do,
and treat each other right,
as we wait to go,
into our own,
eternal goodnight.

Love you Ma,

Janice Walters…May-2007

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