Tuesday, April 22, 2008
i saw you
i saw you today
when I was walking with my wife and kid, our two dogs.
i saw you in your suit and tie and suv, bible on the dash
i saw you look at us
i saw you judge us
i saw you feel better about yourself that you were on your way to a building
we were on our way to the park
i saw you
i was you
carrying the bible everywhere, proudly displayed.
but not living it
judging your righteousness by how much you agreed with me
not by how much you looked like jesus
i saw you today
and i remembered
church is not a building
worship is not confined to sunday morning
fellowship is more than stand and greet your neighbor
i saw you today
and i prayed for you and for me
and took my dogs
and walked and prayed and worshipped God
i saw you
u saw me
God saw us both.
when I was walking with my wife and kid, our two dogs.
i saw you in your suit and tie and suv, bible on the dash
i saw you look at us
i saw you judge us
i saw you feel better about yourself that you were on your way to a building
we were on our way to the park
i saw you
i was you
carrying the bible everywhere, proudly displayed.
but not living it
judging your righteousness by how much you agreed with me
not by how much you looked like jesus
i saw you today
and i remembered
church is not a building
worship is not confined to sunday morning
fellowship is more than stand and greet your neighbor
i saw you today
and i prayed for you and for me
and took my dogs
and walked and prayed and worshipped God
i saw you
u saw me
God saw us both.