Saturday, March 26, 2005

Betrayed with a Kiss

Been watching a number of 'Jesus movies' this weekend.

The Passion, Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus the Revolutionary, The Jesus Movie, etc. The one thing that seems to be consistent is Judas betrayal of Jesus.

The thing that has me puzzling this evening is how Judas betrayed Jesus.

With a Kiss. A sign of friendship, affection, intimacy. In the old world, a sign of Peace.

Was this significant? Why a Kiss? Is there an application to my life today, about how Judas betrayed Jesus?

Do I, myself, this day, Betray Jesus with a Kiss?

Are my words near Jesus but my heart is far from him? Do I embrace the appearance of Godliness, while denying the power thereof? By living an un-transformed life, by not fighting against sin?

Is that what it means to betray with a Kiss? Most betrayels are 'Right handed' Betrayels. A blow is struck, angry words are exhanged. Perhaps even shots ring out in violence.

But a Kiss? Why a Kiss? Did Judas want to 'front' to the other disciples, pretend like everything was on the downlow? Was he trying to posture, being double minded, trying to look righteous when he was acting evil?

I don't know. But I think about these things.

Lord Jesus forgive me for the times I'm fake, phony grasping the appearance of being a 'Christian' your disciple.

When really all I do is betray you with a kiss.


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