Monday, December 12, 2005

The Mouse Story

First, a word about the SPCA. It will be a year this Jaunary that we 'rescued' our beloved Lady Sara Prozac pictured below:

Janice wanted to name her Lady, the Jade wanted to call her Sara and I wanted to name her Prozac. Thus 'Lady Sara Prozac'. We all just call her Sara however. She was found wandering around various apartment complexes in Charlottesville, and the SPCA picked her up and we adopted her. It was obvious that she'd been abused... but she has become a part of our family and has thrived under our care. (Or perhaps we are the ones who have thrived...)

Anyway. Now you have the SPCA connection with us.

We live in an apartment complex where we get a rent break, by picking up the trash on weekends. So Janice likes to do this early in the morning, thus Saturday the day I sleep in she is up and out with Sara around 0630 or 0700. She see's an aquarium and thinks someones hamster died and they are just throwing away the aquarium, the wheel etc. She thinks nothing of this.

Sunday morning, when she goes out to do the trash duty, she see's a white pet mouse IN THE CAGE! She thought was abandoned! She comes upstairs and tells me about it, I roll over.. She calls the SPCA, we can bring them the mouse. The 3rd time she wakes me I say, okay... bring the aquarium upstairs and lets have a look...

Sure enough, there is one mouse alive in the aquarium. 1 mouse dead in a plastic play tube and a tail sticking up thru the a frozen section of bedding...

We find out that the tail belongs to the mouse that is still alive (it froze off) which prompts the Magdalena to call the 'live' mouse stubby.

We put her in a box with newspaper and an old rag... then to petsmart to 'buy her' some company. We get two more mice, and put them in the new clean aquarium with the old mouse. Jade surrenders one of her hamatoro houses:

and we watch. Soon enough the first mouse turns out to be unsocial, and downright pyscotic. We fear that if we take her to the SPCA now, if they find out she's unadoptable they will destroy her. So I take the first mouse and release her into the woods... and believe it or not, back to pet smart to get two more mice so the first two have company..

Now I have 4 mice thanks to a botched rescue mission, and the first one will live wild in the woods, and it goes to show how one crazy decision can have far reaching repercussions...

End the mouse story (not fiction I'm afraid).

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