Wednesday, October 19, 2005

his story & my story

we do need to embrace / learn from our current here & now story.

However, something we in the west seem to forget or rather neglect to remember is that we did not just get dropped in America without a past without a history.

I am an Orthodox Christian. But it wasn't until my birth dad died and i read his obit that i was able to find out about that side of the family. Strangely enough I have roots in Serbia - Montenegro to be specific, & what type of Christian do you find in Montenegro? 98 % Orthodox. the other side of my Paternity is from Sicily & Milan - Italian. Deep Roman Catholic roots.

And my materity side? (birth mom's side?) Pennsylvania Dutch from Dutch German stock - you guessed Protantism with reformational gods no wonder I'm a mess.

But my past story, my ethnic roots exist and are part of me and the more I know about them the more they help me 'flesh out' as it were my-story.

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