Tuesday, October 18, 2005

11 reasons healing doesn't take place

1) lack of faith is One possible reason.

Here are 10 others:

2) Redemptive Suffering - Physical healing is not in itself the highest value in the world. At times God uses sickness for a high purpose. To bring someone spiritually closer to God, to allow them the time to reflect on their life, etc. See Phillippians 3:10

3) A false value attached to suffering - Having said that some suffering is redemptive and is for a higher purpuse we have to balance that statement by saying that most sickness does not appear to be redemptive. Sometimes someone doesn't really want to be free of their suffering, maybe they even have conditioned themselves to believe it is the will of God that they suffer, so they feel guilty to ask God to take that suffering away.

4) Sin - If there is some sin connected with the physical ailment especially resentment, no healing is likely to take place unless the sin is dealt with first. Say you have a chronic pain, but it is just the symptom of a root of bitterness. You go to get prayed for, and the pain goes away...but it comes back. Cause the pain is just a symptom, not the problem. Go to the altar, repent of the bitterness, of find someone with discernment to pray what the cause is...and if repentance and forgiveness can be joined, then the healing may last.

5) Not Praying Specifically - similar to #4....the root incident needs to be taken care of first. Maybe there is a greater need for inner healing...and until the inner work is complete, the outer work cannot begin.

6) Faulty Diagnosis - Just as in medicine doctors often fail to diagnose a disease and consequently fail to prescribe the right medicine and trement so a minister of healing. Some examples:

a) praying for physical healing, when inner healing was the basic need.

b) praying for deliverance from Evil Spirits, when inner healing was needed.

c) praying for inner healing when deliverance was the real need.

7) Refusal to see medicine as a way God heals

8 ) Not using the natural means of preserving health - Sometimes, we just need to look at our eating, rest & overall health. If we are neglecting these things, do not be surprized when you are not healed. Maybe God is using this to tell you to restore balance to your life. Or to make a change..

9) Now is not the Time

there seem to be 4 basic time sequences to praying for healing:

a) some healings are instantaneous

b) In some healings there is a delay (see Mark 16 they will recover)

c) Some healings occur in process, gradually

d) Other do not seem to occur, at least on the physical level.

10) A Different Person is to be the Instrument of Healing

& finally

11) The social environment prevents healing from taking place

Since we are meant to live in a community of love, some of the healing we need will not take place until our relationships with our faith community are healed.

(these 11 reasons taken from Francis McNutt's book "Healing")

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